B2B & B2C Sites Redesign



Independently redesign a commercial website that sets apart BW from its competitors by delivering a refined user experience.


BW, one of the nation’s largest companies specializing in manufacturing water heaters & boilers, hired me as the sole UX/UI designer to redesign their B2C Main site. Simultaneously, I worked with another UX designer to collaboratively redesign their B2B Professional and Representative sites.

This case study focuses solely on the B2C Main site. Due to password protection and NDA, I’m unable to publicly showcase the B2B Professional and Representative sites. I’m happy to further discuss or present them via video calls with a hiring manager, etc.

View live site.



Research Process & Methodologies

Alongside the other UX designer, we conducted an extensive research study and coauthored a comprehensive 77-page paper analyzing all aspects of the old B2C and B2B sites. This research was crucial in determining how to reorganize, including removing and combining, the original content from all three sites.

Pulled from the research paper, below are some of the research methods and key insights.


Competitive Matrix Key Insights

  • The water heater industry boasts a diverse product portfolio, with companies catering to various market segments through specialized offerings.

  • Specialized products often emphasize innovation to meet unique market demands, while general products prioritize accessibility and affordability.

  • Out of its competitors, BW creates the highest quality products and also tends to have some of the most specialty products.


Comparative Analysis

Apple, BMW, and Tesla can be considered comparators based on the following criteria: Innovation, Brand Perception, Storytelling, Energy Efficiency & Sustainability


User Interviews Key Insights

  • Performance is consistently one of the top priorities.

  • Energy efficiency and low emissions are valued for both environmental and practical reasons, but they aren't prioritized as highly as performance.

  • While a preference for US-made products was expressed by several interviewees, less than half considered it a top priority.

  • Accessibility to educational resources, particularly how-to videos, is desired by most participants.

  • Plumbers' expertise and licensing influence choices regarding repairs and replacements but not the initial purchase.




After performing competitive analysis, user interviews, and open/closed card sorting with multiple teams within BW I was able to determine the new site map. The new site’s annotations are documented in detail in the 77 page research study (under NDA).

Key insights:

  • Removed irrelevant pages from the commercial section except for "Warranty Center" and "Find a Commercial Contractor" to avoid confusion for end consumers.

  • Eliminated professional-specific information from the resources menu.

  • Restricted access to technical videos for non-professionals, encouraging professionals to create "pro" accounts.




Visual Exploration & Development

Mood Board

UI Kit



A selection of the numerous black/white wireframes.

Templates for lists/forms used across all 3 websites.


Conclusion Next Steps

In summary, the revamped site boasts significant improvements in user-friendliness across the board. The greatest improvements lie in the site’s navigation — much of the previous site information was removed, shortened, or combined which allowed for a simpler redesign of the navigation bar. Additionally, the sites UI was refreshed to feel more modern, with a brighter palette and a friendlier round style to most assets. The site also features engaging elements like parallax scrolling which have heightened users’ dwell time. It’s important to note that using the research paper’s insights to reorganize/remove information and understand BW’s competitors/comparators to make key design decisions was vital in this project’s success.

Internal feedback was incredibly positive. There are currently no immediate next steps but I remain available to support user testing and refine page designs if needed.


Client Feedback (via LinkedIn Recommendations)

Our team was very impressed with Lauren's ability to navigate complex UX/UI challenges. Her thoughtful approach to user research really allowed us to understand the rationale behind all design decisions. The level of professionalism and expertise that Lauren brings to the table would be an asset to any team. Hope we have another chance to work together soon.